Anti-LGBTQIA Hate Spikes Support For Pride By: Jennifer Kate

What's up, guys? I'm back with another pride blog, and this time we will be talking about the rise in extremist behavior during Pride 2023. Quick Little intro if you guys are new here and don't know who i am. I'm Jennifer Kate. I'm a producer for Fruity Serial here on the Empty The Bench Podcast Network.

So during pride month 2023, there were around 145 anti - LGBTQIA extremists incidents reported. Now this number is crazy because if you look at the numbers from around this time last year, from June 2022 to April 2023, there were around 356 extremist incidents in the US against the LGBTQIA community. These incidents include 305 cases of harassment, 40 cases of vandalism, and 11 cases of assault. Do you guys want to know a fun fact? California, Florida, New York, and Texas are among the 46 total US states that saw documented cases.

Now guys, with that being said, are you surprised by those states I mentioned? I am not. New York is probably the biggest state for a lot of LGBTQIA hate, as well as Texas. Let's talk about my take on all this because I have a lot to say if I'm honest with you guys. Let me start by saying that hating on people who are being exactly who they are meant to be is absolutely ridiculous. Recently more so than ever, the LGBTQIA+ community has been attacked physically, mentally, and emotionally by our peers and the people supposedly protecting us and our human rights. However, I won't get too political with you guys.

Another topic that falls under this umbrella of LGBTQIA+ hate is that recently during pride month 2023, there were a lot of assaults on people, and a few even had their lives taken from them strictly due to who they choose to love. It's insane to think that we are all the same. We may love a different gender than another person, but that's no reason to take someone's life away. For example, I was reading an article on about how Anti- LGBTQIA hate has risen a ton in the last almost year. Still, one specific part of the article talks about how this twenty-three-year-old named Bradley Jacob Stanford was reportedly witnessed interacting with twenty-four-year-old Akira Ross and her partner in the Cedar Park Gas Station. Stanford opened fire while screaming slurs. Ross was pronounced dead on the scene. Before I wrap this blog up, I want to give my take on this crazy story quickly. I honestly think it's wild that people are obsessed with everything about the "gay agenda" and worried about "gay people turning straight people gay" that they don't worry enough about killing someone and spending the rest of their life in jail. People honestly need to mind their own business.

So that about wraps up this blog. Once again, thank you, guys, so much for reading. I'll be back to you soon with another blog. Make sure to follow the Empty The Bench Podcast Network on all social media at etbnetwork on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and now threads, also make sure to check out the youtube channel; search up empty the bench podcast network, and it should pop up and make sure to follow me on Instagram at jenkatebackup__ have a great day, guys. I'll catch you in the next one.


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