Media Business Going Down a “Vox” Hole By Nick Morgasen

Since COVID-19 started in 2020, the media business has been one of the hardest hit when it comes to cuts to talent and budget. Media companies were cutting as many jobs as possible as they were looking to stay out of the red even though there are many media personalities who are making 6-figure salaries or more. I’ll never forget back in 2020 when we covered the ESPN layoffs on Empty The Bench. Bristol had laid off 300 employees; mostly hard-working people who did behind the scenes work. I still wonder to this day, could ESPN have told their big-time personalities like Stephen A. Smith to take a small pay cut so we don’t have to fire hundreds of workers??? We all know ESPN cares about big name talent and not the production staff that does all the hard work to make the talent look like stars. It didn’t stop there. In 2021 we covered Canadian company Bell Media cutting more than 200 jobs, cancelling their all-sports radio format, and closing down radio stations. Instead of being honest with their employees, a random announcement went out over their various airwaves saying station formats were changing. This was a MAJOR surprise to the employees who were in massive panic. Let’s get something very clear, media companies don’t care about you, your family, or your personal life. All they care about is whether they met their bottom line and that they don’t go bankrupt.

 Today, Vox Media announced that they have laid off 7% of its workforce which meant 130 employees are out on the street. Not only was it writers and podcasters that were axed, SB Nation’s coverage of hockey and soccer have taken major hits as entire team sites have been gutted or shut down. Jim Bankoff, CEO of Vox Media, told staffers that the publishing industry is facing a “challenging economic environment”. The cuts are being made to adjust to those realities. What I don’t understand is that rather than reorganizing, they would rather cut jobs and take away many peoples’ livelihood. The funny part is, Jim Bankoff (Mr. CEO) will continue to have his job , his 6-figure salary and not a worry in the world as he will be able to take care of his family. Where’s his pay cut?

I worked in the media business for 4 years in New York City and got to produce a nationally syndicated radio show. When you work in the media business , you’re putting in many hours of hard work and working for pennies. On top of all that, you’re traveling back and forth to work, at your boss’s beck and call, available at the drop of a hat. You need to have a thick skin and a huge work ethic. If you can’t handle the heat, get out of the kitchen. Being in this business means you must be able to have 5 to 6 skills that you do well and be well-rounded.

I understand that since the pandemic has started times are tough but some of these companies are laying people off and putting the money in their pockets. The WGA East-affiliated union representing Vox Media editorial and video staffer said, “We’re furious at the way the company has approached these layoffs and are currently discussing how to best serve those who just lost their jobs.” Vox Media will do everything to say these layoffs are warranted because they will go out of business if they don’t. Mr. Bankoff and company will sleep well on their piles of money and move on.

In the end, the media business has its ups and downs. Then, there are times where harsh reality sets in, that this is a cutthroat business. If you are in the media business or in any business and you lost your job due to mass layoffs, be sure to take a deep breath and remember that you will always be valuable to someone. You just have to find the right person that is willing to take a chance on you. If you’re even feeling brave, you could try and start your own company and try to make it on your own, finances permitting.

Above all, remain positive and always go for more because you deserve to be happy and successful in life and don’t let people tell you otherwise.


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