PG-13 Film Gets Varsity Football Coach Suspended By: Jennifer Kate

Hey guys, I'm back, and today, I will be talking about a sports news story that one of my network colleagues shared with me. I found the story pretty crazy and wanted to share my thoughts. If you need to know who I am, I'm Jennifer Kate, a producer for Fruity Serial here on the Empty The Bench Podcast Network.

Before I get into my thoughts and opinions on this story, let me give you the backstory. Miamisburg Varsity Football Coach Lance Schneider has been placed on administrative leave pending an internal review of his decision to show a PG-13 film in a seventh-grade class without administrative/parental approval. What movie did he show that caused him to be placed on leave? It was Super Size Me, a controversial film about the harmful effects of eating fast food, specifically McDonald's.

It isn't Lance Schneider's first time in trouble; in 2015, he resigned following a three-month investigation into his coaching methods. He had been a coach there for 16 years before he got in trouble because of player evaluation notes he wrote. In an email dated March 6, 2015, he described some players as "China dolls." The email was sent to other Northmont coaches. He has since made a statement after the email came to light, saying, "I used exaggerated and colorful language to make a point." he then continued to say, "I was wrong and apologize to the Northmont Community for not upholding the high values of the Northmont School District. I wish I had never sent the email and have paid a heavy price for my momentary lack of judgment. I have lost the job I love and have caused hardship to my family." In September 2016, Schneider told reporters that parental "backlash" led Fenwick High School to rescind its Athletic Director's position to him. He said Fenwick Principal Andrew Barczak offered him the AD position; he accepted it and was to begin August 29 at $60,000.

Now that you guys have some background to the story and details on the former head coach let's get into my thoughts and opinions on this story. When i first saw this story that my friend and Empty The Bench Podcast Network colleague Breana Blackman tagged me in on Facebook, i quickly read the story. At first, i was unsure how legit it was, so i did some research and saw it was very accurate. Some details still need to be released. Still, from what the story says, this situation reminds me of a case with a Florida teacher who was briefly on the network. In Jenna Barbee's position, she is the Florida teacher under investigation for showing the movie Strange World to her class because the film features a gay character. I won't get into details, but if you know anything about Florida, you know about the 'Don't Say Gay' bill. Now, I have a small hot take for you guys, and this hot take will probably be a bit controversial, but I will say it anyway. One day, showing movies in schools will be banned.

Hank Indictor, the co-host of Hitting For The Cycle and the blog editor for Empty The Bench, said: "To shame the coach for actions he committed 7-8 years ago is wrong. By getting fired for making sensitive comments at the time, it is clear that he learned his lesson and deserved a 2nd chance. However, I don't understand the problem with showing them a movie. If it was Super Size Me, then if anything, that's one where kids can learn a lesson on the dangers of Fast Food (and this is coming from a guy who has struggled with his weight). And in my opinion, you can make a case for that movie to be required viewing because it does a good job demonstrating the health risks that come from McDonalds!"

But that's about it for this blog. If this story has any crazy updates, I will be sure to follow up on this story, but for now, I will say thank you so much for reading this blog. I hope you enjoy it. I'm Jennifer Kate, and I will catch you guys in the next blog.


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