Who Doesn’t Love Food? By Howie Morgasen

“Food, glorious food! Hot sausage and mustard!” That famous song from the musical Oliver.

Who doesn’t LOVE food?? The aroma, the taste, the colors, the textures and the sounds while it is cooking (think bacon sizzling on a hot pan)! 

All 5 senses are involved when preparing, cooking, and eating your meal or snack. No one wants to eat a drab looking plate of food. Who doesn’t want to jump right into a beautiful salad with all of its colors and textures, and the  exquisite, creamy salad dressing that is going to make every flavor pop right in your mouth? What about a chili that has been cooking for hours? The color of the chili sauce, the smell of the meat and all the spices filling the room. It makes your mouth water while you wait for it to cook. AND, let’s not forget dessert… anything sweet and gooey. Morsels of treats dripping in “special goodness”… (please pass the whipped cream — my mouth is watering).

Every month, as I decide what to prepare for my podcast, I try to think what will taste great… look great… smell great… and motivate my viewers to crave the dish I am making. It’s not all about following the recipe exactly… I love to discuss various food choice options so that the home cook can make the dish their own (maybe you don’t like certain ingredients, or someone has food allergies, or special diets that you need to accommodate). Don’t be afraid to try making a new dish. If all else fails, try, try again.

As the song says: “What is it we dream about? What brings on a sigh? … Magical food/ Wonderful food/ Marvelous food/ Fabulous food/ Beautiful food/ Glorious food.”


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