Beginner Fitness By: Lisa Ritchie

If you’re new to the healthy and fit lifestyle, don’t get overwhelmed. A few simple steps can get you on your way.

A fit brain is just as important as a fit body. Why do you want to get in shape? For health reasons? To lower medications? Attend a special event? Or be more active with your kids?

Whatever the reason, keep reminding yourself about it. Repeat the mantra, “After me, you come first”. Others; needs are important, but you should always take care of yourself in order to be able to help others. Write down your goals. They should be SMART; specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. Instead of saying, “I’m going to exercise more in the New Year”, say “I’m going to walk three times a week for 30 minutes.” Update them as time goes by and your workouts progress.

Keep a journal, and jot down every bite that goes into your mouth, including liquids. It’ll help you see any mindless or emotional eating, and the same goes for your workouts. Write down what you did for how long and how you felt.

Clean house; remove all those unhealthy foods from your kitchen. Buy whole foods such as vegetables, fruits,

whole grains, healthy fats, and avoid processed foods as much as possible.

Surround yourself with positive, encouraging people. And start small. A 10-mile bike ride could be overwhelming. Start slowly, adding to your time or distance in small increments. As a beginner, you might want to take advantage of a free personal training session if you belong to a gym, or pay for one to learn the basics of safe weight lifting and a well-rounded program. Don’t be afraid to ask questions!

The best results and the best way to change habits is to be consistent. Stick to your plan, and have a plan B (inclement weather for example).


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Finding The Time To Exercise By: Lisa Ritchie