Finding The Time To Exercise By: Lisa Ritchie

It’s the holiday season and we’re all rushing around shopping, cooking, wrapping, and putting up decorations! You know you should strength train and do cardio and stretch, but who has the time? You enjoy running and biking, but come on. Two exercises per muscle group, three sets of each, 12 to 15 repetitions, and that’s just your strength workout!

The good news is you don’t have to do it all if you want to stay in shape. Over the last 15 years, studies have shown that one set of resistance training is both effective and efficient. The key is intensity. The most common mistake, especially among women and newcomers, is using too little weight. To effectively train using one set per exercise, you must maximize that set. Try a weight that becomes too difficult after the tenth repetition.

You can also try doubling up on the muscle groups being targeted. For example, instead of doing a set of bicep curls, and then a set of squats, hold the weights in a bicep curl position and curl up as you squat down and back. These types of moves must be done slowly and in perfect form. Always go slowly, don’t use momentum, and slow down even more on the return of your movement. Focus on the muscles being used as you mentally and physically squeeze them. You can also save time by combining your strength and cardio workouts.

Do this by moving quickly between exercises without rest periods, and you’ll keep your heart rate up to burn more calories.

As for stretching? It MUST be done slowly and gently with no “bobbing” or bouncing. I try to fit it in all day long – while I’m standing in line, washing dishes, even in the shower! Most of all remember something is better than nothing!


Beginner Fitness By: Lisa Ritchie


Keeping Your Fitness Resolutions! “Fit In A Minute” By: Lisa Ritchie