Keeping Your Fitness Resolutions! “Fit In A Minute” By: Lisa Ritchie

It’s that time of the year again when we all promise to finally lose those last 5 (or 10?) pounds, do cardio four times a week, and eat healthier. By February 1st, they’re out the window. Here are a few tips on keeping those New Year’s Resolutions:

There’s no time like the present. Start today. Many resolutions never become reality because we are waiting for the perfect time to start. Monday isn’t any better than Thursday.

Don’t shoot for the moon. Make your goals realistic. Choose an achievable goal in a reasonable amount of time. Write down your goals in black and white. Remember, be realistic. Make a plan. Jot down the exact steps it will take to get there.

This brings us to: Be Specific. For example, “I will work out every day”. is too vague. I will walk 40 minutes, 4 days a week is more specific and achievable. Break it down into smaller goals and reward yourself when you reach them. Make sure those rewards align with your goal; no cupcakes but maybe a new jump rope or workout clothes!

Keep a chart to track your workouts. Motivate yourself. Post photos of your goal or quotes on your refrigerator, and mirror. It could be your workout chart or a photo of someone you admire. Glance at it daily.

Finally, re-evaluate every few weeks. Take stock of your progress and adjust if things have gotten off track.

Nobody’s perfect. Have a plan B to keep you on schedule. For example, if the weather is bad, walk through the mall instead of outdoors. The trick to achieving your goals and making your workout resolutions happen is to stay focused, believe in yourself, plan, and follow through.


Finding The Time To Exercise By: Lisa Ritchie


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