End Of The Buck Showalter Era 2022-2023 Mets Post Mortem By: Jennifer Kate

Well, guys, I'm back, and this time, I have a blog I've been waiting a long time to write. I will discuss the end of the Buck Showalter Era and do a New York Mets post-mortem. If you guys know me, I'm Jennifer Kate, a former producer for the Empty The Bench Podcast Network.

It's the end of an era here in Flushing, Queens, as the New York Mets have parted ways with former Manager Buck Showalter, which, if you're a Mets fan, shouldn't at all surprise you. As a Mets fan, I know this is a very split feeling. Some love the move, while others aren't as fond of it. But let's look back at Buck's time as the former manager. On December 18th, 2021, The New York Mets hired Showalter as their manager, signing him to a three-year contract (of which he only completed two years). Under Showalter, the Mets had their first 100-win season since 1988. He went 175-148 (this does not include postseason). Now, I like this move after the disappointment that was this season. I knew the Mets would go in a different direction. They have yet to be in a rebuild. They are a win-now team; if Buck couldn't get them a win, it was time to get someone who could.

Now that the Buck Showalter issue is out of the way let's get to this blog's meat and potatoes (shoutout, Hank). Let's talk about the highly underwhelming year for the New York Mets. The Mets were, well, an interesting team to watch this year. I was at quite the number of games this year. Some were awesome, and others were, well, let me put this in the plainest way possible; they were awful. The New York Mets went 75-87 with a .463 winning percentage. As a Mets fan, this team was fun, but they also didn't give 100% every night. They went out there, and it was every man for themselves. There was no team spirit, which sometimes lost the room, and Buck lost the room, which sent everything into an even bigger tailspin. I'm sorry, but if you ask me, it's time for the Mets to do a full rebuild.

Now, if some of you may know, my boyfriend is a Yankees fan, and so I decided it would be fun to get a quote from him on what he thinks of these moves by the Mets, but before I do that, let's talk about Billy Eppler, the former General Manager who just resigned. Ding dong, the witch is dead (he should've been fired a while ago if you ask me). Also, The Mets have let DH David Vogelbach go. They also hired David Stearns as the new president, which was a great move by the Mets, so things might finally be on a slow, positive uphill swing. But anyway, let's get back to that quote from Hank: "It remains to be seen as to whether or not Stearns will be the savior of the Mets; however, having said that there's no question that the Mets needed to go in a new direction. And it all starts with getting a man who can potentially change their losing culture!".

There is nothing else to say other than let's hope and pray that the Mets are somewhat more productive than last year. Nonetheless, here is a fun 2024 season, and Let's Go Mets! But that about wraps it up for me here with this blog. Thank you so much for reading, and I will catch you guys in the next one.


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